Spoiler for Bukti: Gak repost gan, yakin seyakin-yakinny karena sumber ane sendiri
Spoiler for Pendahuluan:
Ada bbrapa kaskuser yg menanykan tntang ane soal lahir/angkatan tahun berapa
Supaya jelas TS bocorin deh klahiran ane, TS lahir angkatan 94 gan
Bisa dibilang soal musik ane bukan pemainny tpi penikmatny gan
dan soal lagu ane bisa merangkul semua jenis macam lagu dari India, Arab, Indonesia (pop, dangdut, ...)
Thread ini ane bikin buat kaskuser^ yang masih suka atau masih sempet dengerin lagu-lagu TOP di eranya terutama tahun 70,80,90 an
Sebenarnya ane ga seberapa mengerti lagu-lagu di tahun tersebut sebab ane kurang mengikuti perkembangan lagunya, namun emak ane punya gudang musik yang luar biasa gan terutama di tahun 70,80,90 an. Ane kagum ama beliau karena pilihan musiknya bisa dikata "berkualitas" menurut ane
Gak usah panjang^ basa basinya, ane share dimari lagu ditahun 70,80,90 an yang biasa ane denger hingga sampai saat ini. Lets go !
Spoiler for Gudang Lagu Tahun 70,80,90 an:
Lagu ini mengingatkan teman ane R.I.P.
Quote:Mr. Big - Wild World
Quote:White Lion - When The Children Cry
Quote:Andy Williams - Love Story
Quote:Nob Doubt - Dont Speak
Quote:Santa Esmeralda - You're My Everything
Quote:Tiffany - If Love Is Blind
Quote:Whitney Houtson - I Will Always Love You
Quote:Le S. and Brad Kane - We Could be In Love
Quote:Celine Dion - Because You Love Me
Quote:Tommy Page - A Shoulder To Cry On
Quote:Regine B. and Peabo B. - A Whole New World
Quote:Martina MCBridge - My Valentine
Quote:Tony Braxton - UnBreak My Heart
Quote:Dan Byrd - Boulevard
Quote:George Benson - Nothing Gonna Chane My Love
Quote:Westlife and Diana Ross - When You Tell Me That You Love Me
Quote:Celine Dion - Power Of Love
Quote:Maria Carey - Hero
Quote:Gregorian - Once In A Lifetime
Quote:Shania Twain - You're Still The One
Quote:Whitne Houtson and Enrique Iglesias - Can I Have This Kiss Forever
Quote:Diana Ross and Lionel Richie - Endless Love
Quote:Bertie Higgns - Casablanca
Quote:Bryan Adams - Everything I Do
Quote:UB40 - Kings Town
Quote:Roxette - It Must Have Been Love
Quote:Stevie B. - Because I Love You
Quote:Backstreet Boys - I'll Never Break Your Heart
Quote:The Pretenders - I'll Stand By You
Quote:Chicago - You Come To My Senses
Quote:Maria Carey - Without You
Quote:Stevie B. - Waiting For Your Love
Quote:Celine Dion and Paul Anka - It's Hard To Say Goodbye
Quote:Santana and Michael Branch - The Game Of Love
Quote:Richard Mrx - Right Here Waiting
Quote:Shanice - Loving You
Quote:Puff Daddy and Faith Evans - I'll Be Missing You
Quote:Leann Rimes - How Do I Live
Quote:Captain and Tennile - Do That To Me One More Time
Quote:Jordan H. and Barry G.- Too Much Heaven
Quote:Fire House - I Live My Love For You
Quote:Indecent Obsesion and Maria H. - Fixing A Broken Heart
Quote:Shakin Steven - Because I Love You
Quote:Lobo - I'd Love You To Want
Quote:Savage Garden - Truly, Madly, Deeply
Quote:Tommy Page - I'm Falling In Love
Quote:Lobo - How Can I Tell Her
Quote:The Bangles - Eternal Flame
Quote:Bon Jovi - It's My Life
Quote:Guns and Roses - Sweet Child o' Mine
Quote:Eagles - Hotel California
Quote:Extreme - More Than Word
Quote:Nikka Costa - My First Love
Quote:Utada Hikaru - First Love
Quote:Back Street Boys - As Long As You Love Me
Quote:Back Street Boys - I Want It That Way
Quote:Michael Jackson - Billie Jean
Quote:Michael Jackson - Black Or White
Quote:Michael Jackson - Heal The World
Quote:Michael Jackson - One Day In Your Life
Quote:Michael Jackson - You Are Not Alone
Quote:Michael Jackson - We Are The World
Quote:Gloria Gaynor - I Will Survive
Quote:Bryan Adams or Do - We're in Heaven
Quote:John Lennon - Imagine
Quote:Oasis - Stand By Me
Quote:Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On
Quote:Mayumi Itsuwa - Kokoro No Tomo
Quote:Lauren Wood - Fallen
Quote:Hilary & Paolo - What Dreams Are Made Of
Quote:Michael Learns To Rock ââ" That's Why (You Go Away)
Quote:Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
Quote:Queen - We Are The Champion
Quote:Kansas - Dust In The Wind
Quote:Diana Ross - If We Hold On
Quote:Frank Sinatra - I Love You Baby
Quote:Britney Spears - Baby One More Time
Quote:Barry Manilow - Can't Smile Without You
Quote:Yang ane
Sebenarnya masih banyak loo gan lagunya emak ane, tapi ane kasih ini dulu sementara nanti ane UPDATE lagi kok kalo berkenan dan ramai ni Thread
Gimana gan, dah ad yang pada tau gk lagunya ? atau udah pernah dengerin ? atau penasaran ni lagu ?
Mungkin bagi agan^ yang belom tahu ni lagu era tahun 70,80,90 an bisa di cek lagunya deeh dijaman MANTAP gan
Harapan ane ni thread bisa menjadi gudang/kumpulan lagu^ lama tahun 70,80,90 an serta agan^ bisa mengenal lebih jauh lagu^ TOP dimasanya.
Quote:Oh yaa, Barang kali agan^ yang udah download list lagu dari ane boleh dong kasih testimoni, gimana lagunya
dan bagi agan^ yang punya Western Old Music 70,80,90 an lainnya bisa dishare dimari
Jangan lupa
(yang ISO & Abu-abu)
(yang SUKA ama ni thread dan Silent Rider (SR))
BudayakanComment jangan dilewatkan
Spoiler for Thread Ane Lainnya ::
Sumber :http://www.kaskus.co.id/thread/5323d0401acb17b97f8b45d8
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